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How to deal with transponder key problems

Strongsville LocksmithDo you have and use transponder keys? If so, you know of the many benefits they bring you. You can unlock and even start your car remotely. You can be confident that no one can make an unauthorized copy of your key and steal your car. You can also rest assured that your vehicle cannot be hot wired and taken right out of your driveway like we see so often in the movies and television. Transponder keys are a modern wonder that are here to stay. The rate of auto thefts has plummeted since their inception and using a transponder key can bring you convenience, added security and real peace of mind. Like anything else though; transponder keys can present an occasional problem or two.

What can go wrong?

Transponder keys are made of metal but they can break; leaving one part still in the lock or ignition. The transponder chip embedded into the key head can fall out and inadvertently left lying on the ground. Without that chip to communicate with your car’s onboard computer your ignition won’t start and you aren’t driving. Worn transponder keys can become stuck and require extraction. Lost or stolen transponder keys are traditionally very expensive and time consuming to replace. We work quite regularly with transponder keys and we can show you some helpful and money saving tips for dealing with yours. You don’t need to live in the Strongsville, Ohio area to take advantage of our expertise; use these helpful tips no matter where you read this or currently drive.

What a transponder key is…

The word transponder means transmitter and that’s what your key does; send signals from your key to your car. When you want to unlock or start your vehicle, you use your transponder key which sends a carefully programmed signal to the onboard computer in your car. The signals must recognize each other in order for your key to work. If they do, your car responds accordingly. If not, forget about driving! Car keys that were pre-transponder could be copied just about anywhere. You could take one to any convenience or hardware store, pay less than a dollar and walk out with another fully functioning car key. Those days are gone and now only authorized shops can officially duplicate and program a transponder key.

So, what’s the problem?

Let’s say you lost your purse or key ring. Your car’s keys are gone and you obviously need a new one. You can always call on your local car dealership and have them make and program new ones for you. While there is nothing wrong with this option, it will cost you plenty of money and time. Your car won’t run without a working key so it will need to be towed into your dealership. You will need to arrange transportation back and forth between home or work and the service area while the transponder key work is being done; either that or simply wait there for hours. once finished, be prepared for a cost of a few hundred dollars to get the work done. Is there a better way? You bet!

Call an automotive locksmith

You are always welcome to call our licensed, bonded and insured technicians but if you don’t live here in the Strongsville, OH metro area, call a full-service locksmith in your locale. Ask if they program and duplicate transponder keys and get a free price quote from them. The price quoted will almost always be a mere fraction of what your car dealer charges and yes, the keys will be authorized and fully operational upon completion. You get more added benefits; no towing needed as a mobile locksmith will be able to come directly to your home or office and do the work on location while you wait. You’ll save enough money to have an extra key made for safekeeping. You’ll save enough time to do other projects or simply relax.

Tips for better care of your transponder keys

Your auto keys are made of metal and because of this many think that they are indestructible. They use their keys for opening cans, boxes and bottles. They puncture and slash with their keys as if they were Boy Scout tools. Bear in mind that each transponder key has an embedded chip in its head. Losing this chip renders your key useless as far as starting your car. You may still be able to open the door and trunk but without a working chip, there will be no signal sent to your ignition. Throwing keys around like they will last forever is not good for them. We all see and do it from time to time. We get home and toss the car keys onto a table or dresser. We give them to children and pets to play with. The chips can become loose and fall out and the key edging can become dull and breakage can occur.

Lost keys are also a problem. If you work or live in a place with other drivers and aren’t careful, your keys can become mixed up with theirs, lost or even stolen. Be mindful at all times where your transponder keys are and try keeping them in the same designated place when not in use. Good habits are developed over time and proper key storage and use will result in fewer lost key incidents and breakage.

Kids and pets love to play with car keys; they jangle and make all kinds of cool sounds when played with and dropped. Unfortunately, these innocent beings can lose your keys or drop them in gutters, holes and toilets. Be mindful of your keys and if you happen to drop them by accident, check to see if your transponder chip didn’t fall out. Many a chip was left lying in the parking lot or street after the owner hurriedly picked the keys back up in an effort to get out of the way of traffic.

Contact us now

Call us now : (440) 969-6209

Consultations are free for our locksmith services, and price quotes are free at Strongsville Locksmith. It is 100% safe to work with our specialists. Also, you get the most bang for your buck, as we are the most affordable company.

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